The tools for launching the record-setting MemCached DDoS attacks of early March were made public shortly afterwards. Proof-of-concept code named “MemCached-DDoS-Exploit” was posted on GitHub, listed as a “DDoS attack tool for sending forged UDP … [Read more...] about Code for MemCached DDoS Attacks Made Public
memcached servers
MemCached DDoS and Ransomware
Over the past week, it has become clear that attackers are seizing the memached DDoS attack vector as an opportunity to extract payments from attacked companies. Akamai reported that a group of DDoS attacks executed using memcached servers were … [Read more...] about MemCached DDoS and Ransomware
Corero Issues a “Kill Switch” Against MemCaching DDoS Attacks
Researchers at DDoS protection firm Corero Network Security have released a post stating that the memcached amplification attacks that hit GitHub and other networks over the last week with the largest ever DDoS attacks can be disarmed with a … [Read more...] about Corero Issues a “Kill Switch” Against MemCaching DDoS Attacks
What is Memcached DDoS?
Memcached is a tool used to cache data and lessen strain on large data stores, such as disk or databases. The memcached protocol involves the server being queried for information about key value stories. It was built to be used on systems that are … [Read more...] about What is Memcached DDoS?